Lørdag den 28. december inviterer jeg dig til en helt særlig eftermiddag i Siala, hvor vi markerer overgangen fra 2024 til 2025 med en dyb breathwork-rejse og muligheden for at afslutte med en afslappende tur i den åbne sauna.
Årsskiftet er en magisk tid, hvor vi kan reflektere over året, der gik, give slip på det, der ikke længere tjener os, og sætte intentioner for det, vi ønsker at invitere ind i det nye år. Gennem åndedrættets kraft skaber vi en rejse, hvor du:
✨ Reflekterer over, hvad du har været taknemmelig for i 2024
✨ Giver slip på det, der føles tungt eller begrænsende
✨ Sætter klare intentioner for det, du vil skabe og manifestere i 2025
Hvad kan du forvente?
Denne breathwork journey er en unik mulighed for at dykke dybt ind i din indre verden. Vi arbejder med guidet åndedræt, musik og energi for at skabe transformation og klarhed. Efter rejsen kan du give kroppen og sindet plads til at integrere oplevelsen i Sialas sauna.
Praktisk information:
📅 Dato: Lørdag den 28. december
⏰ Tid:
• Breathwork: 14:00 - 16:00
• Åben sauna: 16:00 - 17:00
📍 Sted: Siala
Tilmelding og pris:
💚 Gratis for medlemmer af Siala eller brug af Siala klippekort (breathwork=1 klip, Sauna=1 klip) – tilmeld dig via Sialas hjemmeside.
🌟 Pris for ikke-medlemmer: 400 kr – billetter kan købes på www.lifeforce.garden.
Lad os sammen afslutte 2024 med dyb taknemmelighed og åbne døren til 2025 med intention og fornyet energi. Jeg glæder mig til at dele denne særlige oplevelse med dig!
Lørdag den 28. december inviterer jeg dig til en helt særlig eftermiddag i Siala, hvor vi markerer overgangen fra 2024 til 2025 med en dyb breathwork-rejse og muligheden for at afslutte med en afslapp…
✨ Calling in the Tribe ✨
For one powerful weekend, 70 souls will come together in deep connection, presence, and celebration. With 5 dedicated facilitators guiding the way, Copenhagen Tantra Festival Community Camp is an intimate retreat where we come together to explore the magic of community, tantric connection, and embodied rituals.
Through fun and explorative workshops, deep sharings, and sacred rituals, we weave a space of connection, celebration, and growth.Whether you come to recharge, expand, or simply be seen as you are—this is your invitation to step into the circle.
✨ Calling in the Tribe ✨
For one powerful weekend, 70 souls will come together in deep connection, presence, and celebration. With 5 dedicated facilitators guiding the way, Copenhagen Tantra Festival C…
I’m inviting you into a combination between a classic tantric massage, pressure points, pulsation and breathwork.
We open up the energy flow with ancient breathwork and prana techniques, to really be able to truly feel and enjoy the sensations in the body. I will support and guide you and your body to let the energy flow more free, loosen up blockages with pressure points and pulsation combined with breathwork.
And with the caring and present tantric massage I will help you circulate it all around your body. For you to fully feel yourself, your body and your sensuality. Without having to do or want anything – just feeling it. Feeling it without shame or expectations. Feeling your inner life force.
Most people find it difficult to feel themselves. The head is full of thoughts, what you should be, what you should get, what you should do etc. It’s easy to forget to be present in the here and now, in your body.
After a tantric massage & breathwork session, many will experience a completely new understanding of themselfves and their body. Some experience letting go of their thoughts for the first time, and really feeling their body and intuition.
Send me an e-mail at anders@lifeforce.garden to book.
I’m inviting you into a combination between a classic tantric massage, pressure points, pulsation and breathwork.
We open up the energy flow with ancient breathwork and prana…