
The Power of Presence and how being in the Now can eliminate stress

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In the whirlwind of our daily lives, stress often feels like an inevitable companion. We rush from one task to another, constantly burdened by the thought that there are a million things to do. But what if we told you that stress and busyness, in its essence, is merely a thought? That the key to shedding stress lies in being present—fully engaged in the here and now? Lets explore the profound concept that stress is rooted in a single thought—the thought of having too much to do. By removing this…

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Validation and Self-esteem: Why Prioritizing Self-Approval Matters

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The person you have to spend the most time listening to in your life is yourself. Try not to lose their respect.

Mark Manson

In a world driven by external judgments and social expectations, the quest for validation can be all-consuming. We often seek approval from others as if our worth depended on it. But what if I told you that there’s something far more valuable than external validation? That something is self-esteem, the inner foundation of self-approval. In this blog post, we’ll explore the c…

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