1:1 Touch of Breath session

I’m inviting you into a combination between a classic tantric massage, pressure points, pulsation and breathwork.

We open up the energy flow with ancient breathwork and prana techniques, to really be able to truly feel and enjoy the sensations in the body. I will support and guide you and your body to let the energy flow more free, loosen up blockages with pressure points and pulsation combined with breathwork.

And with the caring and present tantric massage I will help you circulate it all around your body. For you to fully feel yourself, your body and your sensuality. Without having to do or want anything – just feeling it. Feeling it without shame or expectations. Feeling your inner life force.

Most people find it difficult to feel themselves. The head is full of thoughts, what you should be, what you should get, what you should do etc. It’s easy to forget to be present in the here and now, in your body.

After a tantric massage & breathwork session, many will experience a completely new understanding of themselfves and their body. Some experience letting go of their thoughts for the first time, and really feeling their body and intuition.

Send me an e-mail at anders@lifeforce.garden to book.


What is a Touch of Breath session?

A combination of several ancient techniques all used for you to really feel and experience yourself, your inner lifeforce and your body

This session is for you that wants to go deep



I will guide you using Prana Technology and Pranayamas to get in contact with your inner lifeforce. We will use the breathwork to cultivate, enhance and transform your lifeforce energy.


Tantric Massage

Long natural strokes, with no muscle contactions or any kind of force. I will help move your energy around in your body. Its also a place for your to truly feel your own body - maybe like you never felt it before


Pressure & pulsation

Combined with the breathwork, pressing and pulsating to manipulate the lifeforce can lead to new experiences and insights, it can loosen up blockages in your flow and it can heighten your inner ecstasy.

A session where there is nothing you need to do, no goal and nothing you can do wrong. You can let yourself be moved or move along.


Why I love giving these sessions

I experience that I can make a change for people. I can't fix you or cure you. But maybe I can show you something different from what you're used to. I can move you, and you can choose if you'd like to move along.

You get to experience new , authentic layers of yourself, by connecting to your body and your lifeforce with your breath. The combination of deep conscious touch and the power of breathwork is magic.

I believe that the World needs more people who feel themselves, because when we do, we also feel others; slowly but surely the World becomes a better place. And we people feel better. That's my vision with these sessions.


Ethics – sexuality & boundaries

Ethical consideration

A tantric breathwork massage can be a very intimate and private thing for most people. Even though sex and sexuality is a big part of our society, it's often difficult when it comes to touch, desires etc. 

That's why ethics have a significant importance, and it's always something we talk about prior to the session so we have a clear framework. 

What I invite you into is a tantric meeting, a frame where we explore together. We meet in lifeforce and desire – completely natural parts of being human.

You won't be treated for anything, and you cannot demand or expect that certain things need to happen in that space. The meeting is not an invitation to sex and it's never about sexual needs being met, neither for you or me.

Meaning, we do not enter a sexual relation, but we can work with sexuality, because your sexuality is the root of your inner lifeforce.


To avoid any misunderstandings or insecurities in such a meeting, I've created a set framework for my sessions. We will discuss the meaning of the framework, when you come for a session, but it cannot be changed before, or during the meeting.

Yoni is the word for the female sex, and lingam is the word for the male sex.

  • During the massage we are both naked. If you prefer you can choose to wear underwear. I will then also wear underwear.
  • It is within the framework to touch you whole body with my whole body, if it's been agreed upon prior to the session.
  • It is within the framework to touch my whole body with your whole body - that's what it means to be a dynamic massage. You can move freely if you feel like it. But you dont have to.
  • It is within the framework to massage your Yoni both outside and inside with my fingers, but only if it's been agreed upon prior to the session.
  • My Lingam will never enter you. Neither in your mouth, yoni or anus.
  • I never stimulate you with the goal of an orgasm. If however, an orgasm naturally happens, it is welcome.
  • I never ejaculate during a massage, but my lingam may erect.
  • I always respect your ""no" (both verbally and non-verbally), and I expect for you to respect my ""no" . A ""no" never needs explaining.
  • I am constantly present with you, but it is your responsibility to express your no's. If you feel a "maybe", it is a "no".



Whether you're young, or old, thick or thin, tall or short has no significance. Everyone is welcome

Contact me by sending an e-mail to info@lifeforce.garden with the following information:

- Your name

- Your phone number

- The reason why you are interested in this session 

I'll get back to you as soon as possible. If we haven't met before, we'll always have an intake call to make sure, we are aligned.

Price & timeframe

A session lasts 2½-3  hours including a talk before and after. 

You give 2.100DKK when entering the temple. I take both cash, MobilePay and credit card.


The session takes place in Hvalsø, Denmark. You can take a train directly from Copenhagen Central Station to Hvalsø Station, where I can pick you up, if needed. 

If you are unable to com to me, I may be able to come to you. Let's talk about it. 

What my clients say:

“ (1)

Before the massage started, I had a very nice, thorough conversation with Anders. He explained very clearly what I could expect from the massage. And asked if I had any questions. He really took his time to cover everything and this gave me a good understanding of the massage and a safe feeling. I really felt I could just enjoy myself, letting the massage unfold, but also that I could set a boundary at any time.

The massage itself was wonderful. Anders is a gifted masseur.

At times the massage was really relaxing, other times I felt more playful, curious or aroused.
Overall I would say I felt very seen and loved.

Anders has a natural ability to 'tune in' to a person, I think. He connected with me and the massage became an interplay, rather than something he was only doing to me.

I felt really at ease, I don't feel like that with everyone, there has to be a certain level of trust before I can relax. Being with Anders, I definitely felt that trust.

I hadn't experienced such a massage before, I'm very happy and touched that I could have this experience with Anders. It was beautiful and delicious

Linda Bobeldijk

The Netherlands

“ (1)

Hej Anders, endnu en gang tusind tak for massagen…

Jeg følte mig hele tiden i trygge og professionelle hænder, selvom det var en meget intim oplevelse med skøn berøring, nydelse og nærvær så var jeg slet ikke i tvivl om at, det her intet havde at gøre med sex, men sanselige energier og samspil mellem dig og mig.

Min følelse er at det virker ret godt til at lære at slippe kontrol og komme helt ned i kroppen, og kunne give sig hen i forhold til egen kvindelighed. Men samtidig også en ret særlig følelse at være så tætte og intime uden af have sex….

En befriende og sensuel massage, der både er grænseudvidende og vidunderlig på samme tid.



“ (1)

About the massage with Anders:
It was an amazing experience, truly unique and enlightening for me .

His loving presence and healing touch throughout the session. The safe space in which I felt, the deep alike connection, his ability to transform my thoughts into movements .

This was what my body and my mind needed.

Three hours session and I have completely lost track over time,
pulled into a parallel world.
It's not only about the 
body, it is much more, it was a journey in my feelings, in my fears , in the past and in the future.

He has a gift: His ability to feel the body, to feel my soul and energy, to know what was needed in that moment.

At the end of the session my breath was open and deep I was deeply relaxed and all the energy that was previously "blocked" had moved and was circulating everywhere. I felt alive and relaxed at the same time.

In the following days :
More clarity and more energy
More awareness of my being here, in this world and universe. 
Perception of my fragility and perfection in the same time,  being in the here and the now with open heart.

I can't wait to have another session.

Heartful Thank you Anders.



“ (1)

Tusind tusind tak Anders for nogle vidunderlige timer. Jeg følte mig tryg, set og holdt hele vejen igennem. Jeg kan ikke huske hvornår jeg sidst har mærket min krop på den måde før, måske endda nogensinde. Det var fantastisk. Du kan virkelig noget med at berøre en krop og en sjæl. Tak Tak Tak.



“ (1)

Af hjertet tak for massagen. Min oplevelse var, at være rigtig tryg og velkommen. Rar forsamtale, hvor Anders gør sig umage med, at forklare og være åben for spørgsmål.

Massagen virkede for mig, som blid, indlevende og øm.
Og stille og rolig vækkelse af min krop og kontakt til mit hjerte.
Og jeg oplevede stort nærvær fra Anders under massagen.
Jeg bemærkede, at Anders var varierende i sine berørings teknikker. Den oplevelse gjorde, at min krop blev nysgerrig og vakt, på den gode måde… og mit hoved var forundret og imponeret.
Massagen efterlod mig glad og småfjollet.
Sådan en tilstand kan jeg godt li’ at være i.



“ (1)

Jeg er næsten lige kommet hjem fra en tantramassage hos Anders, og jeg er helt rundt på gulvet. Det var så skønt at kunne slappe af, ikke være flov over min mave, bare blive set og rørt. Holdt. Endelig tør jeg vise mig for en mand uden at være flov.
Af hjertet tak.

